New Year Magick 2022

Hello everyone, and I hope your Yule was absolutely magickal and lovely. There were so many witches who responded to last week’s episode and so first of all, I have to thank Britta again for taking time to write and share so much information and especially for sharing the 13 wishes ritual last week. This tradition really struck a chord, and I’m just so not surprised, because I knew just by the way that it hit me, that it was going to really resonate with a lot of us.

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Q&A with Eli

Hello, everybody, and thank you so much for joining me today. We have just enjoyed the full moon a couple days ago and I’ve got my moon water ready to go for the solstice on Tuesday. I’m going to be celebrating in a larger way over this weekend with food, some friends, and a fire. The solstice proper falls on a work night for me and I actually have a meeting that evening, I am so annoyed. When there’s a sabbat, I usually just take the day off. But it is what it is, and I’ll be celebrating early. 

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Spell Casting

Welcome, lovely witches, to Taurus season. For the next few weeks, we can expect that stabilizing Taurus energy to put a sharp focus on our finances. We are probably going to feel the need to pull back on unnecessary spending, and this is probably a good time to sit down and write a budget. Especially coming right off tax season, if you’re in the States, this might be a good time to revisit your spending and saving habits, maybe go through your bank statements and figure out exactly how much money is going toward things that don’t seem like much but add up. Uber Eats, that one’s mine, I really gotta delete that app. It makes it too easy to just have lunch delivered to my workplace so I just end up working through lunch and paying a ton of delivery fees for the privilege. 

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Witchcraft for Kids

Hello and happy March, my powerful witch friends. How are we enjoying this New moon energy? I am personally wiped out. I keep waiting for some physical alchemy to change within myself and I suddenly don’t feel completely overwhelmed by the moon cycles each and every time, but it’s been 43 years of this, so I guess this is just who I am. But that’s cool; I kind of love the connection I feel. 

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