Celtic Tree Calendar

I hope everyone is having a lovely day and a lovely week, and I hope everyone’s Ostara plans are coming along nicely. I think we have maybe four days, five days left to get our ducks in a row. And then right on the heels of the equinox, we have the New Moon on the 21st which coincides with the sun moving into Aries, and then a penumbral eclipse on Saturday the 25th and all of this is just to say these skies are about to get buckwild. This energy is going to be all over the place, so let’s just buckle up and hold on tight.

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Well we’ve made it to December, haven’t we. Thank the gods for that. The weather continues to cool down, it’s dark like, all the time now. And in fact, speaking of darkness, the New Moon is this Saturday, December 4 and then we have a solar eclipse the same day! What a wonderful time to release things that no longer serve us, and to also find new solutions for problems that have maybe been troubling us for a while. This marks a great time to start fresh and make some amazing progress. Don’t be afraid of this eclipse energy. Don’t ever be afraid of any eclipse, actually. Lean into it and let its energy take you where you want to go. Ok that’s all I’m going to say about that.

Continue reading “Divination”