Ostara/Spring Equinox

Welcome, welcome to the Ostara episode! I love doing sabbat episodes; they’re my favorite. Sabbats are just the funnest part of being a witch. And the Spring Equinox, or Ostara, is always such a breath of fresh air because it’s the first day of spring, it’s the first major Sabbat after Yule, and the symbolism is so gorgeous and fresh and lovely. The Spring Equinox, just like the Autumn Equinox, marks the day the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are equal length. This is the day when we are officially on the other side of winter, the days from here forward grow longer, the weather gets warmer, the grass gets greener, we can begin to work our gardens. It’s just such a revitalizing time. 

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Autumn Equinox/Mabon

Today is Thursday, September 16, the moon is waxing gibbous, and at least here in Southern California, the weather is cooling ever so slightly. And, in about a week, we will be celebrating the Autumn Equinox here in the northern hemisphere. Now, because the mission statement of this podcast is practical witchcraft for everyday life, I thought we could talk a little bit about this festival and what it can mean in our lives as modern witches.

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